Off-Campus Student Wonders if 10pm SafeRide Will Get Her to 8 am Class on Time
“Usually if I request my SafeRide at 10pm then it will get to my apartment by 7:55am and I can get to class only ten minutes late.”
“Usually if I request my SafeRide at 10pm then it will get to my apartment by 7:55am and I can get to class only ten minutes late.”
EVANSTON—Chicago’s Carriage Dispatch announced it will raise its prices three halfcents this month in an effort to remedy its debt. The transportation company had been hoping to be included in the federal bailout package, but the stimulus moneys were instead offered to South Carolina, who requested financial assistance with building a militia. “We overextended ourselves. We dug too many dirt paths throughout the city and now we have to pay for them,” explained CCD Deputy Daniel Boone Heade, whose grandsire