Top 13 People Currently Having a Better College Experience Than You

As winter quarter takes its toll, it seems like a great time to take a step back and reflect on how well literally everyone else in the world is doing.
As winter quarter takes its toll, it seems like a great time to take a step back and reflect on how well literally everyone else in the world is doing.
Good news! This week, MTV launches a reality series following Kanye West’s therapist, giving fans a sigh of relief after despair following the Kimye divorce announcement. The show, aptly named “Shrink Rap” follows West’s therapist Dr. Shakur, a man adamant that he is not in fact Tupac in hiding. As a longtime friend of Kanye West, or Kanye as he lets me call him, I was able to interview Dr. Shakur under one condition: Kanye would accompany me. The notes
Before, she was just my therapist. But now that she’s, like, a real person with actual thoughts and opinions, it makes me anxious.
When Maddie Fisher, WCAS ’21, began to plan her dorm room décor through a series of Pinterest boards, she had no idea that her basil plant would grow to become such a big part of her life. Inspired by a stack of interior design magazines, Fisher assumed that a basil plant would add to the décor of the room. Instead, Fisher found that the plant, Jonathan, was a great listener. Jonathan would listen to her problems with her boyfriend, Jorge,