Study Abroad Office Now Offering Summer Trip to Your Mom’s House

Your mom’s house is proving to be an incredibly popular destination with many Northwestern students.
Your mom’s house is proving to be an incredibly popular destination with many Northwestern students.
With the dawn of yet another biting Chicago-area winter comes countless Northwestern undergraduates with stories of daring exploits from their fall quarters spent abroad. While these students’ tales may seem enticing at first glance for students who have yet to study outside of Evanston, it’s a pretty safe bet that any given dude you pass on Sheridan studied abroad in western Europe. A 2019 study conducted by ASG indicates that while a whopping 83% of Northwestern undergraduates interested in studying
“I really enjoyed my quarter abroad in London. I grew as a person and learned a lot too,” Schuster said, not knowing that on October 20, 2017, he could have made hot love to Stanton in a fleeting moment of mutual passion that can never occur again.
Professor Arthur Butz, Holocaust denier, and Professor Ari Silverman, Arthur Butz denier, square off on whether NU should offer study abroad options with our northerly neighbors.
PARIS — Three weeks into his two-month Study Abroad program, rising senior Jimmy Bullock confirmed today that he has successfully completed Season 4 of critically-acclaimed drama Breaking Bad. The AMC program, which begins its 6th and final season this August, was reportedly savored by Bullock in binge-watching marathons during free evenings and weekends while other students in the program were taking advantage of their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore Europe. “This program is fantastic!” Bullock gushed in a recent blog post,