Disturbing New Study Shows Placing Head Inside Running Microwave Oven May Be Linked to Cancer

Putting one’s head inside a running microwave could allegedly, maybe, possibly cause cancer.
Putting one’s head inside a running microwave could allegedly, maybe, possibly cause cancer.
“I’m willing to lose all of my documents, memories and digital pornography if it means companies saving money that I will never see.”
“Whenever I put them on I can feel the increase in testosterone and dopamine immediately. Yesterday I wore them and I chucked my Sperry’s at the TV.”
In lieu of her inability to really understand science, Owens has decided to show she cares by retweeting snippets about important scientific advancements and discoveries from the recently created Rouge NASA.
“The Bible says I said ‘let there be light,’ not ‘let there be Ken Ham,’” God wrote in a brief statement to the press.