Obit: Local Student Found Dead After Being on Hold with Residential Services About Mold in Bobb for 17 Hours

“By the time it went to voicemail sixteen hours later, spores were already growing out of her corpse.”
“By the time it went to voicemail sixteen hours later, spores were already growing out of her corpse.”
“I really wasn’t interested in Greek life because it’s inherently problematic and built on a history of racism and misogyny. But also like everyone signed up and I totally didn’t want to feel like a loser.”
“We trust that you guys are responsible enough to spank yourselves with a paddle, so we’re not gonna check for bruises,” said fraternity president Jason Clover
I’m not sure she even knows which foundations we’re supporting.
Quad-Delt junior faces expulsion from her beloved sisterhood when she can’t meet the requirement of wearing (minimum) four articles of clothing marked with her letters per day.
Gone Greek Night offers a low-pressure environment in which no one will engage in any illegal or immoral activities, as well as an opportunity to discourage the misconceived stereotypes of Greek life.
The new pledge classes get to do everything they were forbidden to talk about during recruitment, i.e. everything that made them want to join Greek life in the first place.
EVANSTON — The umbrella organizations responsible for Greek life at Northwestern, IFC, MGC, NPHC, and PHA, announced in a joint statement this morning that they will be adding one more role to the nuclear pledge family unit. “In addition to the traditional roles of pledge parents, children, and siblings, the new role of the pledge stepdad will be integrated in to the already rich structure of our Greek life organizations,” said Anita Jackson, spokeswoman for the Panhellenic Association. According to