French Bed Bugs Arrive In Chicago: “C’est Incroyable! Eet Is A Pizza Baked Like A Pie”

“Zey have the most incroyable food here in Chicago,” said Camille, another bed bug found at an AMC.
“Zey have the most incroyable food here in Chicago,” said Camille, another bed bug found at an AMC.
“Pizza, on the other hand, is far too vulgar and plebeian a food to satisfy my intellectual desire. “
Accordingly, all sales generated by the pizzeria over the next few days will be reinvested into corporate improvements and managerial salaries.
When indie pop duo MS MR was named, Flipside was excited to learn the truth about the undiscovered artist behind the infamous 2012 hit “Hurricane.”
CHICAGO — Thousands of Chicago Bulls fans rushed to the United Center today to hear Derrick Rose’s press conference, at which Rose stunned fans when he proclaimed, “I’m taking my talents to Giordano’s.” Rose declared that he would not be participate in the 2013-2014 NBA season. Instead, he will devote his time to pizza modeling. Rose is famous for his Giordano’s marketing campaign, a product that has been largely responsible for Chicago’s rampant obesity problem. “I love playing basketball, and
By Tommy Schapiro Foster-Walker Complex–East Side: ★ ★ ★ ★ Hi guys! My name is Tommy and I’m so excited to be your Special Middle School Dining Hall Reviewer. A special thanks to The Flipside for doing my homework for me and for the free lunch. I told my Uncle Morty that you guys definitely deserve more money. Anyways, I guess I should start talking about the restaraunt now? Wow, that’s a hard word to spell. Restorant? Restaurant? Got it.
Dillo Day. It’s that time of year in late May when it may or may not be snowing. The free pizza tastes great, but so does all the other shit you may or may not have eaten. One thing is so certain that even Heisenberg wouldn’t question you: if you are from around here, you’ll see all those people from high school you thought you’d never see again. You know, the kids who don’t know who Heisenberg is. They’ll act
Coach Dave Takes Team Out for Pizza