Paramedics Rush Ryan Field Following Concussion, Put in Time-Out for Interrupting Football Game

“Makes me sick that they think the quality of that boy’s skull is more important than football”
“Makes me sick that they think the quality of that boy’s skull is more important than football”
“After the event, we can just take a big net and scoop everybody into it. Just grab each person’s Wildcard information and send them home.”
The whale was reportedly seen going up to students, taking pictures with them, then asking, “you got some booze I can bum off you,” in the deepest voice he could muster.
Per University policy, a travel advisory is in effect for large portions of the frat quad. Students are warned that accepting any free merchandise may result in violence. Last week, Trent Chadwick, WCAS ’21, was found stripped and bound outside of SPAC with a crude mountain range spray painted on his chest.
“After pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into the Bait Unicycle program, it remains to be proven that it has caught one person trying to steal a dweeb-mobile.”
“The poor sucker should have recognized that by the fifth bag, people weren’t going to deal with it anymore.”
The police report revealed countless moans of varying pitches and intensities accompanied by loud banging around 9 PM on Tuesday.
“You tell yourself that you’ll be different. That you can break the mold and keep studying.” he added. “But I’ve got news for everyone out there: you’re wrong. Don’t become another statistic.”
“When I saw those protesters being beaten up by the NUPD with brown sacks filled with cans of Pepsi, all I could do was wonder how the delicious and refreshing taste of Pepsi could be used for such evil.”
Sources indicated that NUPD has enough money saved up from multiple years of not upgrading their monkeys.