After Success Of Barbenheimer, Studios Prepare For Next Creation: “Bratz-Jong Un”

“We have much more in store,” the studios commented, “including a limited-edition Kim Jong Un Bratz doll with matching missile accessories.”
“We have much more in store,” the studios commented, “including a limited-edition Kim Jong Un Bratz doll with matching missile accessories.”
Reports from test audiences found Kanobi to “get under people’s skin”.
Um anyway I was just thinking about The Dark Knight. It’s such a classic and Gary Oldman is so sexy
“Our goal in making this movie is to go where even the greatest pieces of cinema in history haven’t gone—by using the same formula we used the last 25 times.”
DaBaby was asked for comment, but he merely shouted “LET’S GOOOOO!”
This wasn’t just to queerbait — we’ve got a lot in store for fans of Kongzilla.
I’ve read other film critics reviews spouting out nonsense about how the movie was a masterful display of how capitalism pits societal classes against each other, but I don’t believe this was really the major point of the film. I understood Bong Joon-ho’s message that middle-aged people who live in their parents’ basement should get the same respect as everyone else.
This film is his first “talkie” and boy does he talkie a lot.
“The entire process is really very simple,” explained a confused Cinemark representative, “we just send you a notification through the Duo app, drop you an quick email, ask you to fill out a supplementary google form, and confirm your identity through carrier pigeon. Everything is for your own security!”
Industry insiders speculate that Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is being considered to play the lead role.