Ask Flippy: Why does my mom still take baths with me? I would much prefer we shower.

“Over the last thirty years, it’s gotten to the point where I can’t take it anymore.”
“Over the last thirty years, it’s gotten to the point where I can’t take it anymore.”
Until recently, local teenager Jenny Dorn was an avid supporter of the government’s decision to continue the coronavirus lockdown until scientists declare that a slow reopening can safely begin. However, she had a change of heart after her mother finished reading her third James Patterson novel this week. “Like most socially-conscious teens of my age, I thought that ending the lockdown within the near future would be disastrous,” Dorn wrote in a widely shared Change.org petition. “Then my mom cracked
Apart from increased opportunities for face-to-face maternal judgment, sudden discoveries of school-year secrets also contribute to July’s status as the golden days of parental condescension.