Nu Marriage Pact Runs Out of Men, Unintentionally Doubles Lesbian Population

“It’s gotten so bad that I have mistaken multiple twinks for baddies”
“It’s gotten so bad that I have mistaken multiple twinks for baddies”
It usually involves the life leaving his eyes (and going to his dick) leading to a blank stare and a gaping mouth.
Um anyway I was just thinking about The Dark Knight. It’s such a classic and Gary Oldman is so sexy
Nathaniel Bittinger’s parents were killed by a pair of jeans.
“Campus police have had to confiscate or outright destroy over 70 acoustic guitars in the name of aural preservation.”
“To be honest, it is hard to remember what Underwood looked like,” stated Harper Cardinal, “but I do remember he was a virgin and that all of the women liked him a lot.”