Man Preps For Interview By Dousing Himself In 16 Different Colognes

Step 1? Education. Step 2? Cologne overdose. Step 3? Employment.
Step 1? Education. Step 2? Cologne overdose. Step 3? Employment.
Willow: I mean I’m just doing what I do, and I don’t know how to not do what I do, but if they had Willo day or something, I would definitely do what I do here on that specific day.
NEW YORK — Continuing the media frenzy over Lance Armstrong’s admission of doping, Piers Morgan invited the hosts of CBS This Morning to talk about their latest interview with Oprah Winfrey, whose recent interview of Lance Armstrong is set to air in a few days. “We were pretty well prepared going into the interview,” said Charlie Rose, one of the co-hosts of the morning news program, to Morgan. “We’ve read all the information out there available about the interview she’s