Ask Flippy: Am I A College Republican Or Do I Just Like Warm Potato Salad?

I mean, I do love how Larry only seasons it with too much mayo, salt, and a little bit of pepper.
I mean, I do love how Larry only seasons it with too much mayo, salt, and a little bit of pepper.
“Have a crush on Dr. Fauci? Come watch some of his press conferences with us!”
“What did he think the word ‘fraternity’ meant?”
After half an hour spent making sure the spiders around the bar weren’t real, Morty allegedly worked up the courage to venture deeper into the house.
Both Greek and non-Greek students have disclosed to Flipside feeling squeamish about the rebranding effort, calling it “confusing, both sexually and otherwise.”
Coming on the heels of Beta Beta Beta’s ground-breaking decision last year to get their first black guy, this diverse fraternity is once again shifting the paradigm of what it means to be inclusive.
Northwestern’s Fappa Fappa Fappa chapter added a Dillo-themed banner to the ranks of anti-rape slogans hung on fraternity houses around campus.
The report that Beta Beta Beta is gay has caused varied responses across the Northwestern community.
A recent study by the Northwestern University Department of Classics shows that everyone but you is rushing. The study reveals that all of your friends are currently planning on joining a Fraternity or Sorority.
Gone Greek Night offers a low-pressure environment in which no one will engage in any illegal or immoral activities, as well as an opportunity to discourage the misconceived stereotypes of Greek life.