Op-Ed: Thank God Dillo is Online, I Couldn’t Find Funky Shorts to Match My Rainbow Tube Top

I found the perfect rainbow tube top at Urban this summer. Ever since then, I’ve been looking for the right pair of funky shorts, to no avail.
I found the perfect rainbow tube top at Urban this summer. Ever since then, I’ve been looking for the right pair of funky shorts, to no avail.
Yesterday The Rotary Tones posted on their Facebook that they would be performing a mash-up of Ro James’ “Permission” and Aretha Franklin’s “Respect.”
“I understand that boys will be boys, but nobody should have to endure the agony of a student a cappella show.”
It became more and more apparent that everyone there was only there to sing, between quietly clapping at each other’s numerous renditions of “Shake It Off.”