Top 5 AP Classes the Liberal Education System Will Inseminate You With

Ron DeSantis plans to order the Florida National Guard to send everyone who receives a 5 to his personal gulag.
Ron DeSantis plans to order the Florida National Guard to send everyone who receives a 5 to his personal gulag.
There’s no shame in being curious. It’s okay to need the internet to affirm that you enjoyed kissing your best friend “as an epic prank.” Chances are, you use random strangers or factually unfounded quizzes to answer some other questions. For example, maybe you’re not sure if an unhealthy obsession with dino nuggets and Victorian children makes you autistic. Perhaps it does. Best to check
While some may have missed the announcement in between Trump’s creation of an “Efficiency Commission” and appointment of a sex criminal to lead the government’s law enforcement agency, the president-elect notably created a “BOOM Department” for bombing his enemies and named AJ & Big Justice as its foremen. Trump originally met AJ & Big Justice while he was working the McDonald’s drive thru. The father-son pair ordered everything on the menu for one of their viral videos and proceeded to
“Nah,” reads the first post in Lebron’s thread