New Roommates Discover Dorm Room Has Only One Bed

When asked how the sleeping arrangements affected their relationship as roommates, the Leighs responded that they are “closer than ever, in a platonic way.”
When asked how the sleeping arrangements affected their relationship as roommates, the Leighs responded that they are “closer than ever, in a platonic way.”
“In unprecedented times like this, it’s nice to know that the observatory feels us.”
I mean, I do love how Larry only seasons it with too much mayo, salt, and a little bit of pepper.
Words cannot describe what I saw or felt in that moment. It was like someone had stabbed Hot Cheetos directly into my eyes—my brain—my soul.
“I asked the kid on top why he was nine feet tall,” Marty continued. “He stuttered for a bit before responding that it was some sort of hormonal imbalance. He also kept going on about how he was pursuing a Masters in “Money” in order to support “local businesses” like VibeQuest and The Table.”
DaBaby was asked for comment, but he merely shouted “LET’S GOOOOO!”
“I was trying to find the perfect outfit to show Lucas from language arts that I’m, like, totally random and adorkable!”
Even after the mysterious liquid started to drip onto Ockwerd’s Original Macbook Pro, he made no mention of the trail of sludge coating his “Right Twice a Day” handouts.
“So what, they were giving us fucking spider-filled bananas this whole time and they’re just NOW telling us? I’m disgusted.”
Unfortunately, the articles were so life-threateningly unfunny, they are thought to have been able to transmit dysentery.