Ask Flippy: This Crazy Chick Wants to “Define the Relationship” After 12 Years of Dating, What Do I Do?

Traditional labels like “boyfriend” or “significant other” are just so confining for a modern guy like myself.
Traditional labels like “boyfriend” or “significant other” are just so confining for a modern guy like myself.
They say that if you give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day, but if you purchase a local Walmart franchise you effectively own all the fish within a two-mile radius.
“Well, I’ll simply take every role that comes my way. As a proud member of a minority group, I feel like it’s my duty to act in as many movies as I can. That way, even if I end up being the only Asian actress in Hollywood, the rest of my people can feel represented by me.”
“Originally I was undecided,” claimed Cohen, “but after my parents thought that I meant ‘happy’ when I told them I was gay, I knew that I needed to take drastic measures to communicate my sexuality. So I charged my US Gay & Lesbian History textbooks to my family’s Amazon account.”