Freshman Just Referred to Professor as His “Teacher”

“There’s no way I can associate with him anymore. We’re in college now, bro. We have professors, not teachers. It’s just so childish,” said Jacob Villanueva, before heelying away.
“There’s no way I can associate with him anymore. We’re in college now, bro. We have professors, not teachers. It’s just so childish,” said Jacob Villanueva, before heelying away.
The Northwestern administration stated that the dropping students’ tuition accounted for about $55.4 million in lost revenue .
“They all called me ‘Jenny the Weirdo,’ ‘Jenny the Deep Sea Freak,’ ‘Jenny-the-girl-who-got-her-head-stuck-inside-a-beaker-during-a-bio-lab,’” said Smeely, “Oh how the tables have turned!”
From heavily censoring the coverage of political events, to publicly accounting the suffering of “taking the train and sitting next to POOR people,” the Daily has a proud tradition of standing up for what is right.
I don’t think a conversation passes the Bechdel test if a man says, ‘but actually,’ every time the professor or I try to get a word in.
With International Women’s Day right around the corner, we kinda recognized that having a womanizing playboy as a central character in the Avengers is not the move.
They have raised more than $20,000 which they plan to invest directly into “freeing the working class from under the thumb of laissez-faire.”
Chunks of a plastic Port-A-Potty were strewn across Sheridan Road after students decided to meet up and shoot the shit to decompress on a Friday night.
Dear Flippy, One week ago, I finally hit a new max bench press (225 pounds). While I appreciate my buddy Keith smacking my ass and saying that I’m “yolked as shit, bro,” I find myself yearning for attention in other facets of my life. To solve this, I have been trying to interject my max bench press (102.058 kilograms) into casual conversation. However, I’m worried that my lift-related comments aren’t being received as they should be. How can I delicately
I mean, just look at the names. There’s the Amazon Foundation, which I own, and then there’s the capital T The Amazon Foundation, which is about some big jungle in Mexico or something.