Category Archives: Headline

Op Ed: If Improv is About Saying ā€œYesā€ Then Why Did Every Group Say ā€œNoā€ to Me?

As any new Northwestern student who googles ā€œwhat is improvā€ five minutes before their audition knows, the only rule to the Chicago-founded comedic art form is saying ā€œyes.ā€ But if thatā€™s the case, then why did every improv group on campus say ā€œnoā€ to me? Iā€™m talking Titanic, Mee-Ow, ODB, The Bix,Ā even the Panini Players. They all said ā€œno.” I didnā€™t even get a single callback. I say theyā€™re a bunch of hypocrites. If they were really committed to the

TRUMP IMPEACHED: That Got Your Attention, Huh Paula? Now Will You Please Let Me Talk to the Kids?

In a move preceded only twice in the history of this hallowed nation, House speaker Nancy Pelosi has begun the lengthy journey that could end in — Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t do this anymore, Paula pleaseĀ let me talk to the kids. Iā€™ve made mistakes. I know that. Iā€™m not blind to my faults, babe. But I shouldnā€™t have to get into college at 41, feign interest at the most tedious info meetings Iā€™ve ever been to and go through the

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