Ask Flippy: How Do I Convert The Shepard Egg Chairs Into Sex Swings?

All you need is a couple extra straps (courtesy of Pitney Bowes) and a plastic knife from the dining hall to carve out a hole for the head.
All you need is a couple extra straps (courtesy of Pitney Bowes) and a plastic knife from the dining hall to carve out a hole for the head.
After reaching out to the pug, who refused to comment, I sat under a tree for 49 days, wailing and tearing my hair, until I reached enlightenment.
“Piggybacking off of that, I just think the way they phrased it was really well. Well-phrased. Which time?”
Now, was either film actually any good? Was one better than the other? I’m not sure.
In the aftermath of the theft, the one swab, dubbed “Ole Faithful”, could be found lying underneath the ransacked shelves of its fallen brethren.
“Authority. Betrayal. And super-spreader events.”
The accident occurred at approximately 3:00 A.M. in what first responders are calling “a blatant breach of car safety laws” and a result of “some kind of drug-induced hysteria”.
“Our goal in making this movie is to go where even the greatest pieces of cinema in history haven’t gone—by using the same formula we used the last 25 times.”
“How do you know which ‘hee’ is the past participle?”
Plus, old white people love their lawns, and I’ve heard that garden gnomes make for great projectiles.