Category Archives: Local

Somebody Put Ben Down He’s Drunk On Star Power

Everybody’s seen somebody go on a power trip before. Police officers when they pull over people, that kid that was supposed to watch over the class while the teacher went out to go use the bathroom, Joseph Stalin, just to name a few. But never before has a power trip been as dangerous as this one, never before has one rush of authority to somebody’s head been as dangerous as this. For God’s sake, somebody put Ben down, he’s drunk

Op-Ed: Look How Quirky I Am, I’m Drinking From a Silly Straw and Speaking in Tongues

“I’m not like other girls” I think to myself as I sip my almond milk latte from my silly straw, listening to the least popular Lana Del Rey songs on Spotify. My laptop is adorned with quotes from shows obscure enough that people are impressed that I know about them, but not so obscure that they can’t recognize them and shower me with praise. And, if that’s not enough, I’m possessed by an ancient Babylonian demon and levitating and speaking in tongues.

Breaking: Theatre Kid Pretty Sure “Defying Gravity” is what an Orgasm Feels Like

“I’d only read about it in that book about my changing body my parents gave me when I was 13,” he told Flipside. Although he admits to doing some “online studying” about the subject before he came to Northwestern, he insists that was just so he could be better prepared in case the school put on a production of Cabaret. 

Ask Flippy: How do I quietly warn tour-going High School students what they’re getting into?

Dear Flippington, If you haven’t noticed, it’s that time of year again. All the high schoolers are lining up like lambs to the slaughter to visit our wonderful campus. But they don’t know the horrors. Those guides won’t tell them about the last-minute dining hall crowds at 7, they won’t tell them about the religious zealots on Sheridan that try to trick you into giving them your soul through free coffee, and they sure as hell won’t tell them that

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