Category Archives: Entertainment

Op-Ed: As a 30-Year Old Man Who Lives in His Parentsā€™ Basement, Parasite Really Spoke to Me

Iā€™ve read other film critics reviews spouting out nonsense about how the movie was a masterful display of how capitalism pits societal classes against each other, but I donā€™t believe this was really the major point of the film. I understood Bong Joon-hoā€™s message that middle-aged people who live in their parentsā€™ basement should get the same respect as everyone else.

Fueled By Mango Vodka And Room-Temp Lean Cuisines, Junior Writes The Next Great American Novel

Matthew Steinway, a junior majoring in Creative Writing, has written the next great American novel after a 76-hour writing session fueled by mango-flavored vodka and microwavable Lean Cuisine meals.  With baggy eyes and jittery hands, Matthew tells the Flipside, ā€œThe writing I produced during the session will be regarded as the literary event of the millennium. It is an anti-war, anti-capitalism, both pre- and postmodernist hodgepodge that explores the deepest roots of what it means to be human, as well

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