Northwestern Campus Snapchat Story Winter Edition
Last week, Snapchat finally stepped up its game and created a new feature that allows college students on their specific campuses to post Snapchats to a story called “Our Campus Story.”
Last week, Snapchat finally stepped up its game and created a new feature that allows college students on their specific campuses to post Snapchats to a story called “Our Campus Story.”
Willow: I mean I’m just doing what I do, and I don’t know how to not do what I do, but if they had Willo day or something, I would definitely do what I do here on that specific day.
Community mourns beloved lemur. Contemplates death and 90’s childhood.
After a series of very public fights between world-famous country star Taylor Swift and her perennial on-and-off-again fling with Spotify users, the singer did what she does best: she wrote a vengeful breakup song.
“Just not looking at their pictures you can’t tell that they aren’t completely different, with almost no recognizable similarities.”
His most famous song, “It’s Oh So Cooperative,” an ode to their model of socially coordinated capitalism, has been a Billboard Top 100 hit in Sweden for decades.
All across campus, students can be seen wearing chainz around their necks, while pointing at females and shouting things along the lines of “she got a big booty so I call her big booty” and “bad bitch contest you in first place.”
Haze’s Grade-A video production talents, sophisticated eloquence and thoughtful comments made him an ideal candidate for the position, in addition to his strong social media presence and Vine game.
What drunken tales haunt thy seats
Of poorly conceived mixer themes
and awkward hookups, or of both,
In Allison or the frat house?
What men or frat stars are these? What maidens put out?
That line about me staying by her side when she got sick? That was just a little white lie. I was sitting at my desk telling Luke and Penny about Lily and Barney not having sex when they called to tell me she kicked the bucket.