Substitute Teacher Opens for Bill Nye
At this point, the teacher exited stage left and reemerged to cheers as he pulled onstage a TV cart and played a Bill Nye show for the duration of her allotted time.
At this point, the teacher exited stage left and reemerged to cheers as he pulled onstage a TV cart and played a Bill Nye show for the duration of her allotted time.
SPOILER ALERT: This article will contain spoilers for both book readers and television-series-watchers alike.
Apple took a proactive approach to solve this problem. The iOS 8.3 software update now includes purple, aqua, neon, amber, and grey dung for the enjoyment of the entire human race.
Although it is increasingly common for celebrities to undergo therapy or rehab, some bloggers have begun to speculate that it’s part of a Warner Bros. company policy to be more politically correct with its franchises.
The series premiered Sunday night, after the newest episode of The Walking Bread, the network’s hit drama featuring a travelling baker.
Look, I don’t want to make assumptions, but it’s just that I have a feeling deep down in my cartilage that you are upset with me, and I think I know why.
To the delight of the audience, he consumed the equivalent of four whole cows in under ten minutes. He then washed the meal down with a full case of beer and a dozen scrambled eggs.
Nicki Minaj will be trademarking “Anaconda,” annoying herpetologists everywhere, who only just recently were able to claim to be studying the Amazonian snake without being questioned about the snake’s opinions on buns.
Our pick for Best Original Song: “Jam (Turn It Up)” By Kim Kardashian… No comment necessary.
We at Flipside felt our readers deserved at least a taste of what might have been had administrators watched past “The One the Morning After.”