Man Whose Fortune Came Entirely from Plush Toys Has No Financial Savvy

“Market research” in Swiss Bank Account fails as defense in court.
“Market research” in Swiss Bank Account fails as defense in court.
If Thomas Jefferson and “Honest Ben” Franklin knew of the recent misattribution of opinions to the late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. they would have been ashamed to call themselves ‘mericans.
Head speechwriter Milton Hart has hinted at a possible cliffhanger ending that will leave a “fan-favorite” Cabinet member dead.
Candi, Candee, and Kandy were fined for violations as well.
“Ask and ye shall receive, bitch,” added the King of Kings, putting His feet up on His heavenly footstool.
For students afflicted with a scheduled ten-minute trek from the Technological Institute to University Hall, cross country skis will be available for rental from Norris Outdoors, provided staff is able to unfreeze the padlock on the closet where they’re stored.