Area Grandpa Silently Sleuthing Ethnicity of Granddaughter’s New Boyfriend

“When he greeted me, he had one of those Commie-French accents. Who the hell are they letting into our schools these days?”
“When he greeted me, he had one of those Commie-French accents. Who the hell are they letting into our schools these days?”
Local Bobb residents who were given a special look at the fragrance also speak to its exquisite indescribability
“Furthermore, we believe that Morson’s humanities agenda influenced most, if not all, of Schapiro’s economic positions outlined in the book.”
Blatantly ignorant of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s right to take artistic liberties, Dawson continued, “Some realities were totally skewed. Sorry guys, but Hamilton was not that liberal!”
The location will scrap the popular live-cooking option in favor of an open fish tank, where diners can pick their meal using their bare hands and struggle for food-chain superiority over the gasping animal.
“Couldn’t some of Northwestern’s Hamilton ticket budget go to making a class registration site that doesn’t look like it was made in 1997?”
After falling asleep during a board meeting, Morty explained that the all-powerful deity appeared in a dream and commanded him to build the 5-story, 30,000-square-foot temple.
“At least the first two come quickly.”
Sources say Tarver consumed only three standard drinks over two and a half hours on Saturday, though Tarver claims that he poured “like, a couple shots worth” of liquor into each of his disgusting vodka Sprites.
“Towels are just so constricting, you know?” Stevens told the Flipside while sitting naked in a lounge.