CAESAR Redesign Actually Just CoolMathGames.com Clone

“Games such as Raft Wars and the World’s Hardest Game will be the new norm, rather than the old useless resources such as CTECs and class descriptions.”
“Games such as Raft Wars and the World’s Hardest Game will be the new norm, rather than the old useless resources such as CTECs and class descriptions.”
“The message is clear: brutally splitting non-union construction workers in half with a bulldozer’s metal blade has no place at Northwestern.”
“I literally even put some of them in an Insta post, and now this is how I get repaid?”
“I just wanted to make Northwestern look like it has more global outreach. To be honest, I don’t even know if Qatar is a real country.”
“Mr. Emerson’s heroic actions epitomize Whole-Brain Engineering.”
professional study group casters are saying this is Buchanan’s worst gaff yet since the botched “pull my finger” play in 2015
why is it then that I feel vilified for rip-roaring my sweet steel power-mobile down from Tech to Kresge?
“Personally, I just enjoy it so much I figured the student body would appreciate it, too.”
Northwestern prides itself on refining the most tantalizingly brutal method to this transition by giving freshmen an extended period of fun-filled programming, then immediately thrusting them into midterms.
“When he greeted me, he had one of those Commie-French accents. Who the hell are they letting into our schools these days?”