Bummer! Meet Cute Goes Wrong When Both People Are Ugly

“I expected HER to be attractive, so it would be fine that I wasn’t,” said Jones, adjusting his fedora and twirling his handlebar mustache.
“I expected HER to be attractive, so it would be fine that I wasn’t,” said Jones, adjusting his fedora and twirling his handlebar mustache.
Speaking of safety, these active couples aren’t putting it first. But are we really surprised that they’re avoiding protection when they already have a hard time keeping their masks above their noses? Let’s cut them some slack. After all, it’s just not the same with a mask on.
“I’ve seen them with someone named NAVICA a lot recently, and I’m worried about our relationship,” said Color. “I heard she goes a lot deeper than me.”
For decades, Biden has been spotted working weekends at Sunglass Hut, presumably to pick up some extra cash. It is unclear whether or not he will continue working now that his loans are paid off.
“Such emails serve absolutely no purpose, other than reminding the majority of students how shitty they are for not reading whatever book it was that they were supposed to.”
“The new plot was bland, and the ending was a lazy and rushed attempt to conclude the presidency. Not to mention they cut out Mitt Romney, who was one of the best characters.”
Seriously, why do I register with the freshmen when I am fully a junior??
A whopping 78% actually report the accounts that posted the stories for spam content
The Evanston Fire Department arrived on scene immediately after Martin literally erupted in flames.
“It wasn’t even a difficult word to pronounce,” Simmons admitted. “I just wasn’t prepared to be called on to read.”