Top 5 AP Classes the Liberal Education System Will Inseminate You With

Ron DeSantis plans to order the Florida National Guard to send everyone who receives a 5 to his personal gulag.
Ron DeSantis plans to order the Florida National Guard to send everyone who receives a 5 to his personal gulag.
There’s no shame in being curious. It’s okay to need the internet to affirm that you enjoyed kissing your best friend “as an epic prank.” Chances are, you use random strangers or factually unfounded quizzes to answer some other questions. For example, maybe you’re not sure if an unhealthy obsession with dino nuggets and Victorian children makes you autistic. Perhaps it does. Best to check
For the next baby boom, here are names sure to capture the hearts and minds of millennials in the first world.
The ScrubDaddy is the greatest thing to grace this Earth since the SquattyPotty which is the greatest thing since air conditioning. When God created Daddy, soap squirted and bubbles blew. That was long ago, but more recently, ScrubDaddy found his Eve. ScrubMommy is a straight-up hottie. Pretty and usually pink. When she’s not, that’s okay; all colors are welcome. She has Daddy’s original scrubber, but also a sponge side because women are the modded version of men. She’s dual-sided because
Tension has been brewing between these two leaders for awhile, and not the ideal kind.
As King Charles sat on his secondary throne staring at his massive dick, he thought to himself, “Oi mate, those jolly blokes near the pyramids deserve a wank of me knickers.” With that decree, he contacted President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to confirm the exchange.
After building a foundation of communication free of gaslighting, you and your escort (who requires payment greater than quadruple the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour) can finally get down and dirty.
Finally, a system that’s genuinely for the people.
You can really taste the layers. The coolness of the ice cream, the depth of the dough, and the crunch of the apple incites feelings — sexual ones.