NU Qatar Crowned Doha’s Big Ten Team

“To honor NU Qatar’s superb victory, the NU athletic department officially declares NU Qatar as Doha’s Big Ten Team”
“To honor NU Qatar’s superb victory, the NU athletic department officially declares NU Qatar as Doha’s Big Ten Team”
We at Flipside felt our readers deserved at least a taste of what might have been had administrators watched past “The One the Morning After.”
On Monday, student activists from the eco-organization It’s Not Easy Being Green (INEBG) set up a booth to educate community members on the effects of global warming.
“I didn’t think the disease would ever reach this area, but I guess this goes to show that all it takes is one carrier,” bemoaned Kondriak.
“It was big and fluffy and terrifying,” said student Laura Collins. “I could see the moon reflected its big red eyes, and an unquenchable thirst for the taste of human flesh.