Ask Flippy (Film Guy Perspective): What??? You HAVEN’T SEEN The Dark Knight??? Okay Hahaa We Toootally Have to Watch it Sometime

Um anyway I was just thinking about The Dark Knight. It’s such a classic and Gary Oldman is so sexy
Um anyway I was just thinking about The Dark Knight. It’s such a classic and Gary Oldman is so sexy
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
“I was trying to find the perfect outfit to show Lucas from language arts that I’m, like, totally random and adorkable!”
“When I tried to give her a tissue, she started crying about how Dulé Hill was underutilized. I don’t know where she’s getting all this from. She’s only seen four episodes, and it was during her eighth-grade speech and debate class.”
“Turns out the twenty-third time’s the charm.”
But I’ve already done my birth chart, Flippy, and it’s bad! King Julian sun, Maurice moon, and Mort rising? How am I supposed to get any pussy with a Mort rising?
“Too long hath these Pfizer and Moderna knaves parried with the virus. They flash thine fancy swords and dance around in thine gilded boots, but those swine’s art COWARDS. Sir Johnson shall end it all in a single blow!”
The study, conducted amongst top-ten ranking schools in collaboration with the Collective of United Mansplainers (CUM), revealed interesting neurological and physiological responses triggered in the male brain.
“My face is flakier than Northwestern’s male population, and my knees and elbows are so cracked that James Franco could get trapped down there for 127 hours.”
“We got a little too excited, I slipped on some frozen geese shit, fell onto the rocks, and that was that.”