French Bed Bugs Arrive In Chicago: “C’est Incroyable! Eet Is A Pizza Baked Like A Pie”

“Zey have the most incroyable food here in Chicago,” said Camille, another bed bug found at an AMC.
“Zey have the most incroyable food here in Chicago,” said Camille, another bed bug found at an AMC.
“Moto Moto does not like the FBI.”
“I can flip this shit no problem. But I’m saving the Malört shot for the goddamn Bears game.”
We’re just going to nelky send 90’s Taco Bell,” Wintour announced, donning a pair of Taco Bell x DIFF sunglasses for the occasion.
I put in the call at 11:51 P.M. Friday night. Next thing I knew, it was 7:51 P.M. Saturday night.
“The scarab-beetle black of the tunic really made his pale, malnourished face pop.”
If only I had worn my green velvet dress to the residential college board’s Christmas party last winter – surely Archibald would have asked for my hand!
“It’s like long johns, but longer”
Never fear! Many authors who know nothing about women have written pages and pages about them.
“You haven’t seen that much color and sparkle since your childhood best friend vomited Superman ice cream all over the inside of a Claire’s.”