Schill Announces “Operation Fat Goose”; “We Are Going to Fatten the Geese”

“If the geese aren’t fat, they’re useless.”
“If the geese aren’t fat, they’re useless.”
Evan courageously took initiative and personally stood next to the Sphere for twenty four hours.
One day, everyone will forget about the Big Birdussy.
In light of the opening of “Chicken and Boba,” the new Chicken and Boba spot in Norris with quite possibly the most creative name of any shop ever to be named, here are several other creative names for your very own Chicken and Boba place.
The other night I found that he had painted my wall with dark red symbols. Also, he keeps leaving open food containers in the room.
Then just 10 minutes later, at 1:20 pm, an ungodly buzzing erupted throughout the room. But while everyone else was covering their ears, Baldwin was covering her mouth, trying to hide her cum face and mostly just ending up looking constipated.
When asked to comment, the stand-up comic maintained that a gentleman “never bangs our Lord and tells”.
It usually involves the life leaving his eyes (and going to his dick) leading to a blank stare and a gaping mouth.
In a press conference, President Michael Schill expressed surprise at the criticism.
“…thin goes for the win.”