Donald Trump Molests Child; Jumps Twelve Points In Polls

Trump, when reached for comment, talked about his “huge schlong”. “A real great schlong I have on me. People say that it is the nicest schlong in the world.
Trump, when reached for comment, talked about his “huge schlong”. “A real great schlong I have on me. People say that it is the nicest schlong in the world.
These struggles come as a surprise after many in the media predicted Bush to be the top candidate to reach the half-money deadline over the last couple years.
“Nobody likes a bother”
“I thought the journey he took to find his faith was simply fascinating”
“Big Pharma runs everything, man. Those capitalist pigs are ruining the world”, exclaimed Kurt Lopez, WCAS 19’, to his roommate just seconds after dropping chem 101 on Caesar.