I’m Watching, I’m Learning, I’m Listening: My Thoughts on Cock Fighting

In 2023, it is more important than ever to be cognizant of the internal biases that dwell in all of us, and to educate ourselves about cultures that have been previously denied attention. That is why I am committed to breaking the chain of generational ignorance, and finally educating myself on cock fighting.
I chose to begin my journey of healing by meeting with esteemed cock fighting legend Hennifer Lawrence, and her champion chicken Cluck Norris. As we sat in her mobile home, the smell of chicken feces permeating the air, I felt my privileged heart open to the struggle of cock fighters everywhere. Hennifer educated me on how the Biden administration continues to uphold the oppressive laws that ban cock fighting, despite his promises to legalize the sport during his campaign. I learned about how cock fighters are often mistreated due to their profession, and are called hateful names like “abuser” or “clucker fuckers.”
This interview is only the first step in a long journey that I must take to better myself and my community. It is my duty as someone with a voice to raise awareness. Roosters and hens have been unjustly silenced by years of oppression from animal rights activists and inhumane animal cruelty laws, both inside and outside of the cock ring. To all my rooster, hen, or poultry identifying followers, I want you to know that I see you, I hear you, and I promise to do better.