Study Abroad Office Now Offering Summer Trip to Your Mom’s House

Through a collaborative effort between the Undergraduate Financial Aid office and the Global Learning Office, Northwestern is now offering free summer trips to your mom’s house.
Chief Coordinator of the Global Learning Office, Haught Mawm, is excited to share this opportunity with the Northwestern community. “This is an incredible opportunity for Northwestern students to really grasp, feel, and get in touch with new cultures and new people. It’s looking to be one of our most popular programs and it’s only its first year!”
Your mom’s house is proving to be an incredibly popular destination with many Northwestern students. In a Flipside poll, the new program proved to be very popular with athletes and the marching band.
Freshman member of the wrestling team, Jack Offerman, was very passionate about the new offering. “Yeah, the boys on the wrestling team are really excited for this. We’re going to try to scout out host families during parent’s weekend. One of dudes on my hall is a host family, and he said that the dude who wrote Stacy’s Mom used to be their pool boy. Do I believe him? We’ll, we’re going to find out.”
Applications for the summer study abroad offering open in November, but the Flipside has received word that for students on the jock-bully scholarship, your mom’s house is open year-round.