Op-Ed: Sorry That You’re a Former Gifted Child. I’m Still Gifted and Now Also Beautiful.

“I was a gifted kid that burned out.” You may recognize this little turn of phrase. A specific few may even be nodding along in agreement — so specific, in fact, that I can already name all other traits you identify with. Eldest daughter. People-pleaser. Anxious attachment style.
That’s all well and good! I’m glad you knew how to do long division two weeks before everyone else, and I’m doubly glad that you’ve included this information in your CV. It’s so fascinating how everything that has ever happened to you can be traced back to your third-grade teacher calling you “bright” in your report card. I just wanted to let you know that I was also recognized for my intellectual process as a child. The difference is for me it’s still true, and I’m extremely popular and good-looking as well.
I’m sorry that this hasn’t happened to you. “Gifted kid syndrome” is very serious. My toddler recently began showing symptoms of this dreaded condition — she’s playing with blocks in a precocious manner. I’m afraid I’ll have to stamp this behavior out of her in any way I can, or else she will never amount to anything.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. It’s hard, I know. Personally, I think you’ll still be successful. I just hope your parents think the same. Blessings and peace!