Republican VP Candidate JD Vance Answers Vogue’s 73 Questions, States One Thing He Can’t Live Without is His KKW Beauty Contour

After a lively debate, Republican Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance invited Vogue inside his home to answer 73 Questions. Usually, Vogue sticks to the same set of questions for each interview, but Vance insisted there would be “no fact checking or mention of couches.” Vogue insisted they had no plan to do either of those things, though they agreed to remove any references to couches from the official transcript.

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

Personally, I like a good date at home, just sitting on my [redacted]. My wife sometimes wishes that we would go out of the house, but I find staying in with my [redacted] to be much more romantic. I love my [redacted] and obviously I love my wife more than my [redacted], but I just find that it’s so easy to talk to my [redacted].

How would you define yourself in three words?

Normal. Charming. Naturalbornamerican.

What song can you listen to on repeat?

Well, I don’t like to listen to music because I find it generally carries liberal propaganda (have you heard “YMCA”? Terrible), but before I make a speech, I like to listen to “The Imperial March.”

To clarify, you mean “The Imperial March” from Star Wars?

Is that what that is?

Many politicians have big moments or people in their lives that have shaped who they are today. You often talk of your family and their “Appalachian values” and the struggle you experienced growing up. Seeing as you have a book and movie about your family, as well as a beautiful wife and 3 lovely children, what’s one thing you can’t live without?

I would definitely have to say my KKW Beauty Contour.

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