Inspired by Disney World, Local Hospitals add Lightning Lane for a Small Premium

Local Hospitals in Orlando have been inspired by neighboring theme park Disney World’s most recent unasked for change to the Fastpass system. The new system, titled “Lightning Lane”, takes inspiration from the system of the same name at Disney World, where guests can pay an extra fee to get on rides faster.
“Lightning Lane gives patients more control over their experience at the emergency room” commented one Hospital Director. “If a patient is in a real emergency, now they can, for just a small fee, jump ahead of other patients waiting for emergency treatment!”
The current Lightning Lane model prices at $6,000 per patient. Lightning Lane is also available through a subscription service called Insurance+, priced at around $8,000 a year. However, Insurance+ is not available to people with preexisting conditions, on high patient capacity days, or on holidays.
“We just want to give everyone not only equal opportunity for hospital services, but also equal opportunity to purchase preferential treatment,” commented the director.
However, not everyone is happy. Disney has begun the legal process to sue the hospital for taking inspiration from Disney property. Additionally, patients who choose not to be able to afford Lightning Lane have complained about long wait times.
The hospital director responded to concerns about increased wait times for non-lightning lane patients, citing that the new system has actually helped overall wait times. He cited spots opening in the queue as patients who needed emergency operations died waiting for the lightning lane to empty, decreasing the length of the free queue.
“This is just another step forward in evolving the trailblazing American healthcare industry,” remarked the director.