Two Roads Diverged in A Yellow Wood and My Wife Left Me: Poems By Willie Loman

A new TikTok trend has gained popularity with men over forty and anyone suffering under late-stage capitalism. The #poemsbywillieloman trend went viral after account posted a series of videos of him speeding home while violently shaking his head to the beat of Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO, with this poem written in the caption:
“She took,
the kids.
Will crash,
this car.”
Taking inspiration from the titular character in Death of a Salesman, some say the trend reflects an overall dissatisfaction with American life. A popular video under the hashtag shows an elderly man aggressively gyrating in a nursing home lounge to Party Rock Anthem, with the caption:
“Oatmeal and raisin goop,
The kids never visit,
My life is moot.”
The Flipside reached out to social psychologist Steve Harvey to explain how this trend reveals the faults in the American Dream. His PR team responded with a poem of their own.
“Teeth are shiny
My money green
Survey says,
I have no mouth,
but I must scream.”
-Broderick Stephen Harvey, Sr
You can find more poems like this under the hashtag #poemsbywillieloman or by asking your mom if she’s satisfied in life.