Local Man Makes it Almost Too Clear That He is Not Wearing Pants On Zoom Call

Showing up to school without pants is a common nightmare for many students. But now, with Zoom, students feel no societal pressure to wear pants to their classes. Many students have traded in their khakis or jeans for sweatpants, but one local student is taking advantage of this new freedom to the fullest extent, and making sure everyone knows about it.
SESP Senior Michael Dykout showed up to a recent meeting wearing a nice shirt and tie, but was shockingly ready to volunteer that he had absolutely no pants on outside of his Zoom square.
His classmates described this confession as “jarring,” “unnecessary,” and to some, “inspiring.”
A friend of Dykout explained, “maybe I have been too limited by the social construct of pants. He showed me that I should not be constricted by invasive garments for any longer.”
Dykout’s admission has made it safe for others to come forward and share that they also have not been wearing pants this whole time. If you’re curious about who in your Zoom classes is not wearing pants, just know it is definitely the students you do not want to see naked.