Morty Exchanges 200 Dave & Busters Tickets for Wildcats Nightlight

While giddily walking away from the prize counter, Northwestern president Morton Schapiro told reporters today that he had exchanged 200 Dave & Busters tickets for a Wildcats nightlight.
“I’m a really big Northwestern sports fan, so I’m super excited to have my very own Wildcats nightlight. Oh boy!” Morty exclaimed.
Morty reportedly earned the 200 tickets over several hours playing Skee-Ball, whack-a-mole, and pop-a-shot basketball. He was chaperoned around the venue by members of the Board of Trustees.
“You should have seen the wide-eyed look Morty gave us when we first walked onto the game floor,” trustee Mark Angelson said. “He just sprinted off to the nearest Dance Dance Revolution set, and after that we had a hard time keeping track of him.”
At press time, sources alleged that Morty’s new nightlight “will go perfectly with the Northwestern blankets on his race car bed.”