Northwestern Hosts First Waitlist Wildcat Days

EVANSTON — Hundreds of waitlisted students stood outside Norris University Center on Monday, peering through the windows to catch glimpses of the Wildcat Days Activities Fair and other information sessions. Suddenly, Justin Star, a New Trier senior, felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Justin Stein wasn’t impressed by the food at Hinman and isn’t going here,” an Admissions Officer told him. “So you’re in.” Star rushed inside Norris.
Not all waitlisted students were as lucky as Star. For most, they had to go to the scheduled waitlisted events, the most exciting of which was an activities fair that only featured Syllabus Yearbook, service fraternities, and Clash of the Tritones a capella.
“We tried to book the Sailing Team Appreciation Club, but they didn’t want to bother,” said Dean of Admissions Caitlin Smith. “The men’s basketball team, however, should be here for next Monday’s Waitlist Wildcat Day. They’re pretty desperate.”
Waitlisted students also got to sample the leftover sandwiches from the plastic lunches admitted students received, a tour of Kresge, and a complimentary shuttle to the University of Michigan.